Biophilic Design in Gyms: How Spaces Can Boost Workout

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the profound impact that our environment has on our physical and mental well-being. This awareness has led to the rise of biophilic design, an approach that seeks to connect people with nature by integrating natural elements into built environments. While biophilic design has been embraced in various sectors such as office spaces, healthcare facilities, and schools, its application in gyms and fitness centers is a relatively new but rapidly expanding trend.

Biophilic design in gyms goes beyond aesthetics; it fundamentally alters the workout environment, fostering a deeper connection between individuals and nature. This connection can significantly enhance the overall workout experience, boosting both mental and physical performance. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of biophilic design, explore its principles, examine its application in gym settings, and discuss how it can improve workout efficiency.

Understanding Biophilic Design

What is Biophilic Design?

Biophilic design is an architectural and interior design approach that seeks to incorporate natural elements into built environments. Biophilic design aims to create spaces that mimic natural environments, thereby fostering a sense of harmony, reducing stress, and improving overall health.

Key Principles of Biophilic Design

Biophilic design is based on several key principles that guide the integration of nature into built environments. These principles include:

  1. Direct Connection to Nature: Incorporating natural elements such as plants, water features, and natural light into the design of a space. This can include features like indoor gardens, water fountains, and large windows that allow for ample sunlight.
  2. Indirect Connection to Nature: Utilizing natural materials, colors, patterns, and textures that evoke the feeling of being in nature. This can involve the use of wood, stone, and earthy tones in the design, as well as artwork or imagery that depicts natural landscapes.
  3. Spatial Design: Creating spaces that mimic natural environments by incorporating elements such as open layouts, natural ventilation, and organic shapes. This principle emphasizes the importance of designing spaces that feel natural and promote movement and exploration.
  4. Sensory Engagement: Engaging multiple senses through the use of natural sounds, scents, and tactile experiences. This can include the sound of flowing water, the scent of fresh flowers, and the tactile experience of walking on natural materials like wood or stone.

The Application of Biophilic Design in Gyms

Creating a Nature-Inspired Workout Environment

However, the application of biophilic design principles can transform these spaces into vibrant, nature-inspired environments that enhance the workout experience.

  1. Incorporating Natural Light

One of the most effective ways to introduce biophilic design into a gym is by maximizing the use of natural light. In a gym setting, natural light can create a more inviting and energizing atmosphere, making it easier for individuals to stay motivated during their workouts.

Large windows, skylights, and glass walls can be used to bring in as much natural light as possible. In addition, light-diffusing materials and strategically placed mirrors can help distribute light throughout the space, reducing the need for artificial lighting and creating a brighter, more open environment.

  1. Integrating Plant Life

Plants are a fundamental element of biophilic design and can have a significant impact on the ambiance of a gym. The presence of greenery has been shown to reduce stress, improve air quality, and enhance overall mental well-being. In a gym, plants can create a calming atmosphere that helps individuals feel more relaxed and focused during their workouts.

There are several ways to incorporate plants into a gym environment, including:

  • Vertical Gardens: These living walls of greenery can be used to add a touch of nature to any space. Vertical gardens not only look beautiful but also help to purify the air and reduce noise levels.
  • Potted Plants: Strategically placed potted plants can add a natural touch to different areas of the gym, from the reception area to the workout floor.

When selecting plants for a gym environment, it’s important to choose species that are low-maintenance, resilient, and capable of thriving in indoor conditions. Some popular choices include snake plants, pothos, and peace lilies.

  1. Incorporating Natural Materials

The use of natural materials is another key aspect of biophilic design. In a gym, this can involve incorporating materials such as wood, stone, and natural fibers into the design of the space. These materials not only evoke the feeling of being in nature but also create a warm, inviting atmosphere that enhances the overall workout experience.


  1. Water Features

Water is a powerful element in biophilic design, known for its calming and restorative effects. The sound of flowing water can help reduce stress and create a tranquil atmosphere, making it an ideal addition to a gym environment.

Incorporating water features not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the gym but also contributes to a more relaxing and meditative workout experience, particularly in areas dedicated to yoga, stretching, or relaxation.

  1. Natural Soundscapes

Sound is an often-overlooked aspect of gym design, but it plays a crucial role in shaping the workout experience. Harsh, industrial sounds or loud, repetitive music can create a stressful environment that detracts from the enjoyment of exercise. In contrast, natural soundscapes—such as the sound of birds chirping, leaves rustling, or water flowing—can create a more soothing and pleasant atmosphere.

Incorporating natural soundscapes into a gym can be achieved through the use of sound systems that play recordings of nature sounds or through the strategic placement of water features that generate calming background noise. These sounds can help mask unwanted noise and create a more peaceful environment that promotes focus and relaxation.

The Benefits of Biophilic Design in Gyms

Enhancing Workout Efficiency

The application of biophilic design in gyms can have a profound impact on workout efficiency. By creating an environment that mimics the natural world, biophilic design can help individuals feel more connected to their surroundings, which can, in turn, enhance their physical and mental performance during exercise.

  1. Increased Motivation and Focus

A well-designed, nature-inspired gym environment can increase motivation and focus, making it easier for individuals to stay committed to their workouts. The presence of natural elements such as plants, natural light, and water features can create a calming and energizing atmosphere that encourages individuals to push themselves further and stay engaged in their fitness routines.

  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Exercise is often used as a means of reducing stress and anxiety, but the environment in which one exercises can also play a significant role in achieving this goal. Biophilic design can create a more relaxing and stress-free environment, making it easier for individuals to unwind and focus on their workouts. The presence of natural elements, soothing sounds, and calming visuals can help reduce cortisol levels and promote a sense of well-being.

  1. Improved Physical Performance

Research has shown that exposure to nature can have a positive impact on physical performance. For example, studies have found that individuals who exercise in natural environments, such as parks or forests, experience greater improvements in cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and overall endurance compared to those who exercise in urban or indoor settings.

By bringing elements of nature into the gym, biophilic design can help replicate these benefits, leading to improved physical performance. The presence of natural light, fresh air, and greenery can create a more invigorating environment that enhances energy levels, reduces fatigue, and improves overall workout outcomes.

  1. Enhanced Recovery and Relaxation

Recovery is an essential component of any fitness regimen, and biophilic design can play a crucial role in facilitating this process. The calming effects of natural elements can help individuals relax and recover more effectively after intense workouts. For example, a gym with biophilic design elements such as water features, natural soundscapes, and soft lighting can create a tranquil environment that promotes relaxation and reduces muscle tension.

In addition, biophilic design can also improve the quality of sleep, which is essential for effective recovery. Exposure to natural light during the day can help regulate circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep quality and improved recovery.

Real-World Examples of Biophilic Design in Gyms

Innovative Gyms Embracing Biophilic Design

As the benefits of biophilic design become more widely recognized, an increasing number of gyms and fitness centers are incorporating nature-inspired elements into their spaces. Here are a few examples of gyms that have embraced biophilic design:

  1. The WELL Building Standard Certified Gyms

The WELL Building Standard is a certification program that focuses on creating built environments that promote health and well-being. Many gyms that have achieved WELL certification have incorporated biophilic design principles into their spaces. For example, WELL-certified gyms often feature ample natural light, indoor plants, and natural materials, creating an environment that supports both physical and mental well-being.

  1. Equinox Hudson Yards, New York

Equinox Hudson Yards in New York City is a prime example of a gym that has embraced biophilic design. The gym features floor-to-ceiling windows that allow for abundant natural light, as well as a variety of indoor plants and natural materials.

  1. Third Space, London

Third Space in London is another gym that has incorporated biophilic design into its space. The gym features a variety of natural elements, including a living wall, wooden accents, and natural light.


Biophilic design represents a significant shift in the way we think about gym environments. By incorporating natural elements into the design of fitness spaces, we can create environments that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the gym but also improve the overall workout experience. The benefits of biophilic design are far-reaching, from increased motivation and focus to reduced stress and improved physical performance.

As more gyms begin to embrace biophilic design, we can expect to see a transformation in the way we approach fitness and wellness. Nature-inspired spaces have the potential to revolutionize the gym experience, making it more enjoyable, effective, and ultimately, more aligned with our innate connection to the natural world.

Incorporating biophilic design into gyms is not just a trend; it is a movement towards creating spaces that promote holistic well-being, where individuals can thrive both physically and mentally. As we continue to explore the possibilities of biophilic design, we can look forward to a future where fitness centers are not just places to exercise, but sanctuaries of health, harmony, and natural beauty.

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